Reservoir Karate
IOSSKA Yudansha Rank Requirements*
Minimum of 16 years old and 3 years of training
Kihon Renshu and Zenshin Kotai
Ippon Kumites – all 17 – demonstrated with a partner
Seisan, Ananku, Wansu, Passai, and Gojushiho
Seisan (3) person renzoku kumite and Seisan Yakosoku kumite
Three minute jiyu kumite match
50 hours as an assistant teacher
Written test on the history of the Shimabukuro family
Minimum of 18 years old, two years after promotion to shodan
All material required for shodan
Wanchin, and Naifanchi shodan
3 minute jikyu kumite match
Nafianchi Renzoku Kumite
100 hours of as an assistant teacher
Written test on the history of Shorin Ryu Karate
Minimum of 21 years of age and three years after promotion to nidan
All previous material
Chinto, Naifanchi nidan and Tokumine no kun
Demonstrate (2) Renzoku kumite drills
150 hours as an assistant teacher or sensei of a dojo for one year
Demonstrates support of Seibukan on a national level
Written test on basic principles of Seibukan development of speed and power
Minimum of 25 years old and four years after promotion to sandan
Bunkai applications from each Seibukan kata – two (2) from each kata
Kusanku and Naifanchi sandan
Demonstrate a renzoku kumite drill created by the person being graded
200 hours as an assistant instructor or sensei of a dojo for two years
Demonstrated support and development of Seibukan on a national level
Deliver a paper explaining the theory of any Seibukan kata – history, purpose and value of the kata (due one week before test date)
Minimum of 30 years old and 5 years after promotion to yondan
Jion and Passai Gwa – demonstrate the difference in execution from Seibukan kata
Deliver a paper on any subject relative to Seibukan (Paper must be delivered one week before the grading date)
300 hours of teaching as an assistant instructor or dojo sensei for five years
Demonstrated the ability to train others to the levels of yudansha
Demonstrated the support and development of Seibukan on a national and international basis
Minimum of 36 years old and 6 years between promotion to godan
A proven dojo sensei or proven leader of other yudansha in a chartered Seibukan Dojo
Demonstrated the ability to develop yudansha to a higher grade levels
Visited and trained in Okinawa a minimum of 2 times
Teaches on a national level to Seibukan members
Pinan Kata
Perform (2) Seibukan Kata of choice
*The above requirements are subject to change at the discretion of Hanshi Dan Smith and the Seibukan USA Chief Instructors.